Sunday, May 6, 2012

February-May Update

Sorry that it’s been so long since we have updated our blog.  We have been sending a few update emails, but realize we have some faithful fans out there that we haven’t kept in the loop.  So here are some highlights of the last four months:
I spent 10 days in Minnesota seeing family, starting to look at houses, went on a job interview and attended iLLUMINARE, my ongoing ministry formation program.  And as part of my labyrinth certification process, I facilitated two labyrinth workshops at Catholic parishes in the Twin Cities.  I hope to do many more when I return to Minnesota.

We started our Marriage: Theology and Ritual class which has proven to be one of the highlights for us both at the GTU.  It has two dynamic professors and a diverse group of students.  As a spouse of a full time student, I can audit one course per semester for free.   First semester I took Introduction to Anglicanism, also a great class with a seasoned professor.


Click to preview book
Our trip to Guatemala also served as a “special reading course” for Phil.  Instead of writing yet another 20 page academic paper, he chose to use his creativity and created a hardcover book filled with essays and photographs from the trip.  Our family will treasure it always.
I went to Atascadero on the central coast of California with our friend Barbara from CDSP who lives there for a long weekend.  I got to walk two more beaches and three more labyrinths. Yay!
Barbara at Duckies in Cayucos
Labyrinth on Morro Bay

Joan Gecik, my friend from the Cathedral days, came out and spent a week with us.  I got to do the tourist thing and ride double decker buses and get another boat ride around San Francisco Bay.  We took in Sonoma Valley and Point Reyes National Seashore as well.
Joan at a wine tasting

While Phil continued to hit the books hard, I led a labyrinth evening at CDSP and did some organizational consulting for the President and Dean’s office at CDSP.  It has been great to be part of the wonderful community here.  We will miss our new colleagues and friends!

Our kids both delivered excited news in April.   Sarah called to let us know that she and her girlfriend Sarah got engaged!  We are so happy for them. They had a special experience working with a jeweler to design and make their own rings.  They are planning a wedding for the summer of 2013. 
Sarah and Sarah in Cancun

Justin called to let us know that he had taken a job as a Field Supervisor with Habitat for Humanity in Antigua, Guatemala.  He will be taking work groups on weeklong trips around Guatemala.  He starts his 15 month commitment June 1, immediately following completing his time at the monastery in Coban.  He plans on visiting Minnesota this August.

We ended April by attending our god-daughter Kelly Clark’s wedding in Cancun, Mexico.  Held at the Moon Palace all inclusive resort, it was a pampered, sun-filled four days and a nice break before the final countdown to graduation and moving back to Minnesota.  Sarah, Sarah and Justin joined us as well!

Phil graduates with his Certificate in Anglican Studies on May 18.  It will also be the completion of his second year of his MDiv.  Phil will be doing his CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) full time at United Hospital in St. Paul from May 29 – August 10.  He then will be looking to return to working full time and returning to complete the remaining part of his degree part time at United Theological Seminary.

I will be returning to the Parish Administration field at St. Richard's in Richfield 4 days a week starting June 1. I hope to branch out into some consulting work for faith based organizations on a part time basis as well.

We plan to leave Berkeley on Sunday May 20 to stop and visit Yosemite as several California friends have "insisted" we do this before we leave the state.  We intend to arrive in Minnesota Thursday or Friday.  When we get to Minnesota we will be staying in my dad's condo in Edina until he arrives from Florida on Father's Day weekend.  Bella will be going to stay with her cousin Tilda at Sarah and Sarah's house.  (Please pray for them as Bella will be invading not only Tilda, the large puppy but also Oskar, the cat's territory!)  Then we will move to Pete & Kyle’s (Phil’s brother) for a couple of weeks while they are on a cruise.

We are going to be looking at homes in the Richfield, Edina, and Minneapolis area immediately upon our arrival and hopefully will find one soon.  And since we had to be out of our house in 3 weeks, maybe we will get lucky and get to move in quickly!  Can’t wait to see everyone!  Love, Phil and Sheryl