Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day Two - Colorado

Truth be known Bella was pretty bored traveling through Nebraska but as soon as we hit Colorado she lit up. She kept looking out at the mountains and she couldn't wait to get out and explore. We were feeling the same way. It was a beautiful day in Colorado. At Copper Mountain the temperature was 62 degrees but an hour later in the canyon it was 90 degrees.


  1. What a super picture of you facing the ocean!. Post a similar one facing the mountains. Sounds like Bella is enjoying the trip as much as you.

    In order to post a comment I have to select a profile: Google, Word Press, AIM, etc. Help! How would I know?

  2. So I am starting a journey as well and am thrilled that they get to intersect....be well and we will be in communication.

  3. Sheryl & Phil - Will be looking forward to keeping up with your journey through your blog. What a great blog cover picture.....opening your heart, your mind, your life, your arms to new adventures, discoveries, awakenings, teachings over the next 10 months. Blessings to both of you. Karen Goon
