Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Leaving Home

In order to go on a pilgrimage you have to leave home. This photo is one that I took of my spiritual home, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Minneapolis, MN. This is one of many homes that Sheryl and I are leaving to go on pilgrimage. We sold our Eden Prairie home of 18 years and moved out to "the lake". We will be leaving both behind. We are leaving our jobs, Sheryl leaving The Church of St. Patrick in Edina, me taking a leave of absence from Search Institute in Minneapolis. But most of all we are leaving the people we love; our kids - Sarah and Justin, our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors. We will be back and of course we have email, skype, cell phones, blogs, etc. to connect but we are choosing to disconnect for awhile anyway. Pray for us as we leave home.

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