Friday, September 16, 2011

It's a Dog's Life

Hi – Bella here.  They finally let me write one of these blogs.  Boy has this whole thing been exhausting! First, they move me out of my house that I had finally grown comfortable with.  Then they move me out to the lake, a totally new place with lots of different smells that I wasn’t sure about.  I actually ended up liking it after all - once Mom took me out in the kayak.  But I really didn’t like that awful incident with that German shepherd attacking me.  (I just grew my hair back in the spots where the emergency vet shaved me…)

Then, they take me on this incredibly long car ride which I guess I eventually got used to, but staying in a new place every day really wasn’t my thing. It took a lot of barking to clear everyone out of my way in each of the hotels.  One good thing though – those luggage racks that you push around sure are fun to ride on and I kinda like elevators now.

So it’s been about a month and I think I am finally getting used to my new apartment.  There sure are a lot of walkers, bikers, dogs, and cars around here and the noise has been something to get used to – not the nice quiet suburban street I was used to.   I have stopped waking up Mom and Dad in the middle of the night to tell them about everyone who goes by, because for some reason they really didn’t care.

The other thing I have to get used to is having 6 other dogs, 13 cats and 14 other apartments full of people who share my yard and some of my walls.  I am used to being the princess you know.
But some of the people seem okay and say I am more friendly than I used to be.  So, I guess I’ll have to stick with it since it seems like we are going to be here for awhile.  And I am really enjoying the big windows to look out and the sunshine that we have had every single day since we moved here :)


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