Friday, September 30, 2011

Prayer in the Bay Area

To say we have had a diverse array of prayer experiences here is an understatement.  In the six short weeks we have been here, Sheryl has been to 5 out of the 9 GTU seminaries for Catholic Mass, Episcopal Eucharist, ecumenical Taize prayer and Episcopal evening prayer.  Phil has donned liturgical garb to co-lead Episcopal evening prayer and assist at Eucharist. We have been to three different Episcopal churches for Sunday Eucharist and to the Sisters of Mercy retreat center for Taize Prayer with one hundred other people.  Sheryl has walked four different labyrinths.  What a gift it is to be in this environment and be able to have these kinds of opportunities and to meet people from all over the country and learn their stories. 

Know that we keep all of you in our prayers and live in constant gratitude for everyone that has supported us in our efforts to get here.

In the coming weeks, we will share more about these amazing places where we have prayed.  First up will be St. Gregory’s of Nyssa – one of our "colorful" Sunday excursions.

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