Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Visit from our Daughter

In front of the CAL library where Phil often studies
Sarah came to visit us over Thanksgiving Weekend.  We had a great time showing her our favorite haunts in Berkeley- including CDSP, the CAL campus and various places to eat and shop.  We walked over 7 miles throughout the day, leaving the car home as parking is a challenge in Berkeley.

Flowers for the Thanksgiving table

The wines of Castello di Amorosa


Grapes were picked, but vines were in fall splendor.

On Friday we went to Napa Valley and enjoyed beautiful fall colors and delicious wine tastings. Napa is only about 1 hour from Berkeley.  We have to get there more often!!

Sarah got this great photo of a surfer at Ocean Beach

 On Saturday, Phil stayed home to study but Sheryl took Sarah to San Francisco on the BART.  Among other places, we hit Union Square with a big Christmas tree, the Castro, and Ocean Beach at sunset - a real unexpected treat!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Washington D.C. gets an amazing new Bishop!

Washington National Cathedral © 2009 Phil Rose
Photo from Diocese of Washington D.C. Website
When Sheryl and I were first married we had a ritual every 4th of July. We would get up early, make a special breakfast, turn on the TV and watch Breakfast at Wimbledon. We loved the tennis, but we also loved connecting with another part of the world, in real time. And we loved the pomp of it all. Yesterday, we had a similar experience, but much  more profound. We got up early and logged into the Washington National Cathedral Website and connected across the country to watch our friend Mariann Edgar Budde be consecrated the 9th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington D.C. We really wish we could have been there, because Mariann is a very big part of why we are in Berkeley. When I walked into St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church Mariann was presiding and I was so moved by seeing a woman preside that I was swept away in emotion. As I got to know Mariann I discovered what an amazing person she is. She is a kind, holy and spiritual woman who, to paraphrase the Rev. Linda Kaufman's Sermon from the consecration, "When you are with Mariann you can envision yourself being more than you are, more than you can be by yourself." Mariann is the kind of person who calls out the best in you and Washington D.C. will benefit from her presence and her gifts. Congratulation Mariann!   We never teared up watching McEnroe and Connors, but yesterday got to us.
And not only did we get to see Mariann, but a cast of hundreds, OK well tens from St. John's who participated and witnessed the consecration.  It was so great to see all of you, you were incredible.  And we feel connected in a special way to all the St. John's parishioners who were watching the streaming video like we were. 

All Saints Chapel Church Divinity School of the Pacific
St. John's © 2009 Phil Rose
With Love Phil & Sheryl

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Point Reyes National Seashore

In late October, Phil had a week off of classes – Reading Week – and we took the opportunity to visit Point Reyes National Seashore-one of our favorite places in northern California. 
It was such a great time to be immersed in the gift of God’s creation.  Sitting up high on the point of the peninsula, looking down at the beach was a time to be fully present to the great expanse of the universe and to marvel in the miracle that is the ocean meeting the beach, and then being aware of the topography of the land surrounding it.  Then we drove down to the South Beach and experienced it as a place of crashing waves which drown out any other thoughts.  The sound and sight of those waves is relentless and forces you to pay attention to the here and now.  It was a great reminder from the book I am currently rereading by Esther de Waal, Lost in Wonder, about the art of attentiveness and the importance of noticing the things around you.

Drakes Beach on the other side of the point is gentler.  The waves roll in softly, bringing in clear cold water that left my bare feet feeling caressed and tingling with life.  The sand was smooth and begged me to keep walking. Both of these experiences were drenched with sun and temperature in the 60’s.  I couldn’t help walking around with a giant smile and feeling FULL of gratitude that day.  We now have one of Phil’s photographs of the beach hanging in our living room to remind us of this sacred place.

While we have been here, I keep saying “Does it get any better than this?  And then it does!”  Thank you God for this immense gift of time and place. Sheryl  

Point Reyes Map