Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Point Reyes National Seashore

In late October, Phil had a week off of classes – Reading Week – and we took the opportunity to visit Point Reyes National Seashore-one of our favorite places in northern California. 
It was such a great time to be immersed in the gift of God’s creation.  Sitting up high on the point of the peninsula, looking down at the beach was a time to be fully present to the great expanse of the universe and to marvel in the miracle that is the ocean meeting the beach, and then being aware of the topography of the land surrounding it.  Then we drove down to the South Beach and experienced it as a place of crashing waves which drown out any other thoughts.  The sound and sight of those waves is relentless and forces you to pay attention to the here and now.  It was a great reminder from the book I am currently rereading by Esther de Waal, Lost in Wonder, about the art of attentiveness and the importance of noticing the things around you.

Drakes Beach on the other side of the point is gentler.  The waves roll in softly, bringing in clear cold water that left my bare feet feeling caressed and tingling with life.  The sand was smooth and begged me to keep walking. Both of these experiences were drenched with sun and temperature in the 60’s.  I couldn’t help walking around with a giant smile and feeling FULL of gratitude that day.  We now have one of Phil’s photographs of the beach hanging in our living room to remind us of this sacred place.

While we have been here, I keep saying “Does it get any better than this?  And then it does!”  Thank you God for this immense gift of time and place. Sheryl  

Point Reyes Map

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