Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Visit from our Daughter

In front of the CAL library where Phil often studies
Sarah came to visit us over Thanksgiving Weekend.  We had a great time showing her our favorite haunts in Berkeley- including CDSP, the CAL campus and various places to eat and shop.  We walked over 7 miles throughout the day, leaving the car home as parking is a challenge in Berkeley.

Flowers for the Thanksgiving table

The wines of Castello di Amorosa


Grapes were picked, but vines were in fall splendor.

On Friday we went to Napa Valley and enjoyed beautiful fall colors and delicious wine tastings. Napa is only about 1 hour from Berkeley.  We have to get there more often!!

Sarah got this great photo of a surfer at Ocean Beach

 On Saturday, Phil stayed home to study but Sheryl took Sarah to San Francisco on the BART.  Among other places, we hit Union Square with a big Christmas tree, the Castro, and Ocean Beach at sunset - a real unexpected treat!

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